• Call: 0816-2290106 / 22970095, +91 9008457864
  • Mail: info@hmspolytechnic.com


Schedule of the Academic Calendar for the academic year 2OL8-19 is as per the
DTE circular vide No: DTE 20 ACM (2) 2017-18 dated 11/12/2018

Sl No Academic Activities Dates
1 Commencement and closing dates of 02,04 and 05th semester's classes
(after midterm vacation)
Commencement: 08/12/2018
Closing: 03/04/2019
2 Semester/Annual Exam's of 02,04 and 06th semester's (Theory and Practicals) Practical: 24/04/2019
Theory: 05/04/2019
3 Mid-term attendance Verification and reporting to Students and Parents 11/02/2019
4 IA marks Verification by Principal 29/04/2019
5 Internal Assessment (lA) Test (Second,FOURTH & STXTH SEM) First Test: 28/01/20l9 & 29/01/2019
Second Test: 25/02/20l9 & 26/02/2019
Third Test: 25/03/20l9 & 26/03/2019

Our main goal is to develop your hidden skills and talents